Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in becoming a vendor at one of our shows?
What is the 2022 schedule? Our Holiday show is Saturday, December 10th. Deadline for applications is November 11th, artists will be notified on November 14th.
How do I apply? Fill out the application here.
What are types of vendors are you looking for? We are looking for artists and vendors who sell products that have handmade elements. We accept anything from soap to jewelry to food products. We are open to a lot of different products and want them to be in some way handmade.
How do I know if my application and fee went through? Once you fill out the application and press the 'Submit' button, there will be a new screen with a message that says "Thank you for applying!". You will also receive a confirmation email with your responses and a copy of the receipt for your application fee.
Why is each show juried? The space can only accommodate about 40-45 artists per show. We want to make sure there is a diverse collection at each show. You may get into one show, but not another show, depending on how many people apply in the same category.
How much does it cost to apply?
Application fee: $20
How much does it cost if I get in?
Table fees:
Bring your own table and chair; you will have 6x4 feet space and your display must fit in that area: $125
6 foot folding table and chair provided: $135
Long table (9x2 feet) and chair provided: $155
Who can I reach out to with more questions? Email